Liz Goulet Dubois is drawn to problems. That is how Duck and Cluck were born. One day, she sat down with a pad, a pencil and no plan, and an egg-holding duck appeared, followed by an angry chicken who seemed to want the egg.
That is how stories often start for her. They are drawn from life, observed from those little moments that happen when folks try to get things done, communicate, and get along.
As a child, Liz loved animals, toys, books, cartoons, and ART in any form.
That really didn’t change. When she grew up, she went to the Rhode Island School of Design, where she was an illustration major who also made animated films.
After that, she was a toy and product designer for many years, creating lots of cute, amusing items that you may have at your house, or given to someone as a gift.
All the while, she has been writing and illustrating books for children. This kind of work combines all of the things that interest and intrigue her, and she is thrilled to bring you these tender-yet-humorous stories and characters.
She lived in an apple orchard in Rhode Island, USA, with her Belgian husband Eric, and they have three creative daughters and two entertaining cats. You can see all the other things she does on LizGouletDubois.com.
Liz passed away on August 14, 2022. A scholarship has been established in her memory.
Watch below to learn more about Liz, how she works, and how Duck and Cluck came to life!